Nicotine Nightmares
He felt a drip of liquid tickle the palm of his hand. There was no way
for him to know if it was sweat or blood. He felt an onset of grief when he realized he didn’t care to know the difference.
Nicotine Nightmares
He felt a drip of liquid tickle the palm of his hand. There was no way
for him to know if it was sweat or blood. He felt an onset of grief when he realized he didn’t care to know the difference.
The sun had not yet set entirely but the street lamps had
clicked on. The summer evening air was warm and sweet. The sounds
of indistinct pop songs from the 60’s and clanking chatter filled the
creeping night sky. The mood was festive throughout the group of
friends scattered around the backyard. A dinner party thrown to
celebrate the much-needed release from an unusually long and cold
Blank Slate
Kathy woke abruptly in a muggy sweat. She glanced at the clock glowing on the nightstand. 2:17 AM. Another night to add to her collection of sleepless nights.
Allison’s cell phone rang at 3 am. She leaned over onto the nightstand to turn it off. For the next 10 minutes she watched as the blue light lit up her dark apartment. It could only be her mother calling at this hour and with this fever. Continue reading “Rayon”
It was 3 am. No alarms were set, no previous plan of action in motion. Elizabeth just sat up in bed and thought “This is as a good a time as any” and dropped her bare feet to the cold wood floor.